CULI is here to help. If you are an existing nonprofit or a group seeking to establish yourself as a nonprofit, and you need some non-litigation legal assistance, you should contact us to see whether we can provide that legal advice. CULI can assist clients across Connecticut, and will normally assign a law student to work with a CULI staff attorney to help you through your legal challenges. Contact us to see whether we can meet your legal needs, and whether you are eligible for that help.

“CULI – Who’s better than you?!”
Todd Eckerson, Executive Director of Crossroads Cooperative Learning Program

“I have learned so much working with CULI lawyers over the past several years.”
Jennifer Cassidy, former Chair of the Asylum Hill Problem Solving and Revitalization Association and Chair of Hill Housing, Inc.

“CULI has been invaluable in helping us to develop and implement complex revitalization strategies for East Hartford.”
United States Congressman John Larson, First Congressional District